Solar Energy Products in Kubwa

Pro-Consulting specially for InVenture presents an analytical review of the solar panels and solar energy market in Ukraine in 2019 BB. Structure of electricity producers from renewable energy sources at the green tariff in 2018 in Ukraine, by the amount of installed capacity Over the past 5 years, the Ukrainian solar energy market has evolved from a small segment, represented by several pilot projects, into one of the largest and rapidly growing segments. Foreign investors are the basis for market growth. The major players in the market are the Chinese company CNBM (it owns the shares of the Activ Solar group of companies) and Rentechno. The Canadian company TIU has erected a 10 MW solar battery complex in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region). Dynamics of the installed capacity of solar energy producers at the "green tariff" in 2015-2018 in Ukraine, MW In addition to industrial energy producers, the home use sector is also developing. According to the State Energy Efficiency Agency, today 8,850 Ukrainian families have installed home solar power plants with a c Solar Energy Products in Kubwa apacity of up to 30 kW and invested 180 million euros in local generation. Almost 1400 home SPPs appeared in the first quarter of 2019 alone. B9. "Green Tariff" is a special financial condition that allows private households to become participants in the national energy market and not only consume, but also sell electricity generated by domestic solar power plants to the public grid. In 2015, Law No. 514 VIII "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring Competitive Conditions for the Production of Electricity from Alternative Energy Sources" was adopted, which pegged the "green" tariff to the euro. In 2017, the new Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market" was adopted, which improved the prospects for the development of renewable energy sources in the country and stabilized the legislative framework, laid down all the key components of the mechanism for supporting the production of electricity from renewable energy sources, namely: The "green" tariff for business entities that generate electricity from solar radiation is set at the level of the retail tariff for consumers of the second voltage class as of January 2009, multiplied by the "green" tariff coefficient for solar energy. The “green tariff” (FIT) in Ukraine is still quite high compared to other countries. FIT is now € 0.1503 per kWh for solar power plants commissioned during 2017-2019, with the tariff pegged to the euro rate. The FIT size will gradually decrease according to the launch date of the new PV station.


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